Thursday, August 12, 2010

In God They Trust !

In power race during cold war they managed to come out as winners. They forgot about the weapons built with the help of their long time friend Pakistan until a decade later. Strong potent force of taliban and fundamentalists were made to counter-attack Russia moves in the region . After USSR was broken the terror groups were given nothing to do and Afghanistan was ruled by the same force .Few know that before Talibanisation Afghanistan was a modern society .There was education and development.You may not believe but women used to go to colleges in trousers! The twin-towers are attacked and the self-built face of terror haunted America.And the wave of Islamophobia gripped the nation. But why were they attacked? Of course no act of terror can be justified but any rational person would think about the reasons. Knowing that US will reply heavily, why did the groups took such an action and threw away the government of Afghanistan from their hands? Many people must know the answers.

Two futile wars being fought and no one is there to question their actions. Pakistan's north western region faces drone attacks which are UAVs(Unmanned Aerial vehicles).It means some guys sitting oceans away drop the bombs where ever they find 'necessary'. Thousands of civilians are killed in the air bombings. When the Obama administration came the attacks were increased many folds and before an year could be completed the new president was awarded Nobel Peace Prize! Despite continuous protests from Pak's government for breaching of their sovereignty the attacks increase day after day. Wikileaks revealed that the war is a total failure and the Taliban attacks have actually soared.

Recently a lot of fuss was created of 'Time Square bombing'.The initial reports of arrest of Faisal Shehzad told us that the explosives were very mild and there was no worry. The explosives were told to be no more powerful than fire-crackers. Some days later the guy was charged for attempting the use of 'weapons of mass destruction' . A guy brought explosives in New York's major commercial center and just did nothing but parked the car right in the middle of square in no-parking zone! He was arrested 53 hours after the attempt.I thought terrorists were intelligent enough to know where to park a car so that it does not draw attention. USA further increased its drone attacks thereafter hewing and crying for the attempted terror attack on its soil.

They also cry for many other things. They claim to desire a nuclear free world and hence they worry every nuclear weapon present outside their country .They put sanctions on Iran.And for what? Building nuclear weapons need more than 90% enrichment of Uranium .Iran has recently been able to achieve 20% enrichment from their capability of 5%. Iran says that they need isotopes for medical purposes in treatment of cancer. And what if Iran is actually building the power. Iran will have power in the region and can control the flow of oil and US long hard work of bringing oil countries under its power by force or 'friendship' will be gone.Sometimes we forget who actually introduced the world with the concept of nuclear bomb. Hundreds of thousands were killed in minutes and even after 65 years the country do not say sorry and instead boast in the glory of winning .They actually ask for credits for putting an end to the world war! Some may ask if there were really no other options left but to wipe out cities with nuclear bombs? Shouting for a nuclear-free world and actually showing the way are two other things. If the weapons are used again ,there will be no stopping and the planet will go under nuclear winter for more than 1000 years. In 1988 former Prime Minister of India,Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, presented the action plan to make the world completely nuclear free at U.N general assembly. USSR welcomed the proposal but the power was on a decline . The plan immediately faced opposition and was never implemented. No surprises who opposed.

US double standards are not only restricted to Iran and Israel .In April 2010 a rig exploded under water and BP was scolded for months. Mr. President said that he is ready to 'put foot on the throat of BP' to plug the leak. BP deserved the punishment but why not America's giant Transocean who owned the Deepwater Horizon rig? Why not another American company Halliburton who was responsible for sealing the rig? Why not America's administration who gave permission for the faulty safeguards in offshore drilling that resulted in creating one of the biggest environmental disasters? Take a look on other side. If BP is made to keep in stock $20 billions for compensation , US keeps its mouth shut for the UCC disaster in Bhopal. The worst industrial disaster of world in Bhopal killed tens of thousands compared to 13 killed due to BP oil spill. Water and land of Bhopal is still toxic as the waters of gulf. Why does the country which cries out loud for Human rights have no value for the survivors and bereaved family members in Bhopal?

Just 2 days ago came the statement that US wants Iraq's government to pay compensation to those effected in the war. That may be the most depressed thing heard from the 14 trillion dollars economy. They implement their decisions by any method they want. During the last G20 summit PM of Japan was supposed to have a discussion with Barack Obama on moving US military base from Okinawa. The chance he got was during a dinner when he was given the seat besides the President. He continued talking about the issue while Obama was busy selecting the menu. At the end he asked the PM if he liked the food. The embarrassing incident was published in many newspapers across the world.The japanese Prime Minister had to resign as he could not fulfill the promise given to his people.

Sometimes it is puzzling why do they have such power .Why do they have to dictate terms? What good have they brought to the world that they deserve such recognition? And they need not give explanation for any actions.Nations devastated with wars, families being destroyed, maimed survivors and the files piling in U.N ,all have the same questions.But who expects the answers?